View Full Version : Otaku/Gaming

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  1. what exactly is virtual fishing?
  2. Back up your save on GT4!!
  3. Playstation 3
  5. Will Grand Turismo4 come out with an online mode Disc?
  6. Gran Turismo Game Trailer for PS3
  7. Well Guess I have to hold off on moding my Car.
  8. SOCOM 3
  9. GT4 Memory Card LOST! Help want to $$
  10. XBOX 360
  11. Need For Speed Most Wanted. BOVBillys Car?
  12. Damn it Xbox360 Down (update 4/11/07)
  13. Top 10 Games of all time!!
  14. Battle Field 2
  15. Day Of Defeat: Source
  16. Far Cry
  17. Can you drag race w/2 players on GT4?
  18. steam problems
  19. initial d arcade
  20. GT-4 Lap Times " non nitrous"
  21. Street Fighter 3rd strike!
  22. EVO9 rally game (european)
  23. Anybody find out when the (PS3) is going to be released?
  24. Star Wars Empire at War
  25. Lot of Xbox 360's on eBay?
  26. BLACK
  27. Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
  28. Fight Night for 360
  29. PS3
  30. For you PC Gamers: Boycott Starforce enabled games
  31. How do you drift in "GT4"?
  32. Looking for Evo Nation representation on CSS!!!
  33. StarCraft Gundam screen shots
  34. The Oddest Game You will EVER Play
  35. Project gotham racing 3 patch out
  36. Suikoden for PSX
  37. Project Gotham Racing 3 Video I made with the FQ400
  38. Mario Fans
  39. Tourist Trophy
  40. Tetris Masters
  41. Playstation 3 cost and launch date (offical)
  42. What kind of anime do you like?
  43. best gamer in socalevo
  44. Greatest gaming achievement
  45. gameboy advance sp vs ds
  46. Crysis: the next level of gaming
  47. Games Get You High!!!!
  48. Richard Burns Rally Online
  49. Hidden Source Beta 4
  50. Need For Speed: CARBON
  51. GT4 Midfield and Tsukuba Times
  52. xbox 360's for $319 from dell
  53. PSP firmware downgrade
  54. forza motorsport any good?
  55. PS3 vs Wii spoof Apple style
  56. Final Fantasy III on DS!!
  57. PS3 pre-order?
  58. Call Of Duty 2 for XBOX 360
  59. How far can u get on this game....
  60. Any Final Fantasy fans?
  61. XBOX 360
  62. Forza Motorsports II Xbox360. (Pic of Sparco Evo)
  63. Project Gotham Racing III Photo Mode. Lets See your Photos (Pix)
  64. Fast & Furious ps2 the truest jdm race game (besides GT).....no joke!
  65. GTR2 is Out!
  66. NFS Carbon demo on xbox live marketplace
  67. South Park World of Warcraft
  68. Real Life Katamari
  69. Who Reserved a PS3?
  70. Software for making a backup copy of a PS2 Game
  71. Toshiba's Bubble Helmet
  72. stupid fkn kid
  74. SNES Roms
  75. xb360 import tuner challenge?
  76. NNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
  77. Gran Turismo HD
  78. Need for Speed Carbon: Who's getting it???
  79. GT4 Challenge updated.
  80. has anyone played the game FEAR on xbox 360?
  81. Final Fantasy XII
  82. Halo 3 Announced
  83. SOCOM: Combined Assault
  84. Guitar Hero 2
  85. which one are u getting
  86. Best Game for the 360 is
  87. The madness of PS3 prices has begun!
  88. Gears of War
  89. Beatmania
  90. people waiting in line for ps3 launch day...
  91. WOW Pet Roll Call
  92. NBA 2K7 or NBA Live 2007?
  93. Nintendo Wii outsells PS3 in just one day LOL!
  94. Wii Nunchuck
  95. Xbox 360 vs. PS3
  96. Custom PS3!
  98. Free Anime Streaming!
  99. PS3 Gran Turismo HD Screen shots @ 1080p 60FPS
  100. gears of war change future gaming?
  101. Pink PSP anyone?
  102. rip blu ray movies to ps3
  103. Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops.
  104. ps3 problem
  105. Burger King Xbox/360 Games
  106. PS2 Question
  107. My new gaming setup
  108. Otaku's wet dream.
  109. Ferrari, Lambo and porsche are the next big names that are going to be in GT HD
  110. Gran Turismo HD Demo
  111. penny arcade + bunnies (rayman wii) FTW!!!!!
  112. Xbox 360 owners...
  113. Gears of War - SoCalEVO meet
  114. Good Game PS3s...
  115. Rainbow six vegas am i doing something wrong?
  116. new maps for Gears of war
  117. Resistance Fall of Man online
  118. Mario Kart DS.
  119. Attack of the Kruul
  120. cosplay like crazy
  121. Lost Planet *XBOX 360*
  122. how much have you spent on gaming?
  123. Wii Question
  124. Forza Motorsport for XBOX 360
  125. Anybody want to play "Fight night round 3" online against me on PS3?
  126. Battlefield 2142
  127. Wii games...haaaallllllp prrrzzz
  128. Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
  129. HOLY COW!
  130. WOW = World Of Warcraft
  131. Death Note
  132. Multiplayer Survival Horror Games
  133. CS: Source anyone??
  134. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
  135. Halo 3 Beta
  136. Sony Computer Entertainment America President Jack Tretton...
  137. New Forza 2 shots
  138. SNES outselling PS3! LOL
  139. Posting from my Wii
  140. Computer
  141. beating up homeless is like a game?
  142. Run to Bestbuy $10 off on ANY game.
  143. Forza Motorsports
  144. Any Gundam fans out there? Here is a cool Gundam game.
  145. I just got "MLB 2K7" for PS3!!!
  146. 360 freezing?
  147. Cyrtek project for ps3
  148. PS Home ps3!
  149. Metal Gear Solid 4
  150. why is the blue ray disk player expensive?
  151. god of war 2
  152. Korean and Japanese Animation Day
  153. Gears Of War is makeing a movie!!!
  154. when the f*ck can i d/l the halo 3 beta????
  155. initial d arcade version 3
  156. Forza Motorsport 2
  157. S14 drifting
  158. Guitar Hero 2 for the 360
  159. Want gamble illegally?
  160. recommendations for PS2 and X box
  161. XBOX 360 Gamertag Score
  162. Haloid
  163. GT3 PC
  164. My impressions of the Wii
  165. "Street Fighter" the movie!!!! What!
  166. Call of Duty 4
  167. starcraft 2!!
  168. Ace Combat 6 Screens
  169. DIRT Demo
  170. Aegis Free XBL Game
  171. Any Test Drive Unlimited Online Users? Just Started a Socalevo.net Car Club
  173. Move over, Master Chief. There's a new sheriff in town
  174. Buying a PS3 or XBox 360 Elite in a few weeks? What is the smarter buy?
  175. 7/9/07 Playstation 3 price dropped $100
  176. Anyone NCAA football fans?
  177. Best PS3 Game???
  178. Forza 2 STi vs. EVO forum race
  179. Metal Gear Solid 4 [ Actual gameplay footage. ]
  180. R factor game with Willow, Sears Point, Riverside etc tracks...
  181. Gran Turismo 5 Prologue - EVO (Proto) X Pics....
  182. New GT5 screen shots
  183. XBOX 360 extending warranty for 3 years!!!
  184. Bioshock
  185. Which game is better in your opinion and why?
  186. PS3!!! should i buy it??
  187. Super Spidey Xmas - Rumors of $400 PS3/'Spider-Man 3' Blu-ray bundle rev up
  188. starcraft players here? I am good.
  189. Counter Strike Players?
  190. SKATE
  191. HALO 3 IS ALMOST HERE!!!!!!! (9/25/07)
  192. Played Halo3 last night...WOW!
  193. Anyone heard of the new Clive Barker's "Jericho" game for XBOX?
  194. Ring Of Death?
  195. Nitto Legends~~~ Account...... Who wants it? Read on .....
  196. *Halo 3*
  197. HELP!!! Need XBOX 360 Elite adapter!
  198. Halo 3 SE disks scratched from bad packaging. BE CAREFUL!!!
  199. Halo IS the future...
  200. Halo 3 Gaming
  201. PGR 4
  202. Holiday Xbox 360 package with free Forza + Marvel Alliance
  203. The Orange Box
  204. Nintendo Wii where to buy?
  205. Call of Duty 4 Demo is out Oct 11, 2007
  206. Street Fighter IV
  207. Tabula Rasa Beta
  208. GT5 Demo - GT5 Prologue!!
  209. Cheap PS3
  210. Evo X PWNZ the new Skyline
  211. PS3 kicks your ass and you know it.
  212. GH3 for Xbox360!
  213. Anyone Played Crysis Demo????
  214. Call of Duty 4
  216. Assassin's Creed
  217. Crysis $39.95 at Fry's Nov-16-07
  218. Rock Band
  219. NFS: Pro Street
  220. Crysis Ending.
  221. Wal-Mart's "Secret Sale" on PS3 11/24-11/25
  222. Video Game Awards on Spike TV tonite
  223. Assassin's Creed KILLER?
  224. Look who's coming back?! (Soon, I hope)
  225. Wow this is so sick! wii FTW!
  226. DIRT
  227. can someone explain Gran Turismo for me?
  228. Gran Turismo 5 Prologue Races to North America on April 17
  229. The greatest game console ever?
  230. Devil May Cry 4 is almost available!!!
  231. .
  232. Gears of War 2 trailer!!!
  233. grand prix legends
  234. Street Fighter 4 Characters Trailer
  235. Battlefield: Bad Company
  236. $$$$-ARMY OF TWO-$$$$ [XBOX 360]
  237. $$$$-ARMY OF TWO-$$$$ [PS3]
  238. Crimson Viper (of Street Fighter IV)
  239. Evo X on Forza 2
  240. The Wii is impossible to find, does any1 know where i can get 1?
  241. who plays cs 1.6??
  244. Chun Li vs Crimson Viper in STREET FIGHTER IV
  245. Anyone up for Some HALO 3?
  246. Rock Band Online Band
  247. GT5 Prologue comes out tomorrow....anyone down for some online battle??
  248. **Dead Space**
  249. GTA IV
  250. Just another group targeting GTA IV... so stupid.....