- Those who got cited for modified exhaust....
- ATTN: AVO Exhaust owners. Read this!
- PULLED over for no front license plate?
- pulled over today
- Rolling Smog Stations
- Trial By Declaration (How To)
- So the Cali PoPo at it again
- Automotive Hobbyists please Look and sign
- You guys think you've got it bad...
- SoCal Cities Get Money To Combat Street Racing
- Lets Ride out to the state capital
- Hawaii's Recon Law
- Where do I go to get tint removed?
- Where to get exhausts tested for Db level?
- $774 ticket
- Pulled over in Laguna Beach
- It pays to be old.
- SoCal Evo community decibel tester
- high-flow cats legal?
- CARB #s
- Exhaust Noise Test
- Just got pulled over for some bullshit @ 11:20pm.
- smog testing?
- front plate ticket: $114???
- Registration Tags -- Fine
- Thanks "Judge Townsend"!!!
- Since Its Raining and I saw a lot of people doing this.....
- just got a wreckless driving ticket.update 2-1-06
- can cops do this?
- referee ticket
- My lame ass experience today
- New to Cali
- Facts on Aftermarket HFC use
- Is this over 95 dB?
- LA Stop Light Cameras - No Film
- CHP Speeding Ticket
- smog test fail -> sell the car to DMV for $1000?
- My 1st Ticket-Update...
- No front Plate Tix at LAX - Be careful!
- Got nailed on the way home from work
- For those wondering about tint laws
- How To Beat A Speeding Ticket
- Trial By Declaration
- .
- TBD for Tint Ticket
- can you f&^%ing believe this!
- Thanks "Judge Laura"!!! I got my second exhaust ticket dismissed again.
- Just got a 27151 modified exhaust to amplify noize
- I was waiting for the tow truck driver last night until you know who showed up.
- lasuperiorcourt.org sucks
- For those with radar detectors and have been pulled over
- got a ticket at out of town...
- Help: "Fix It" Ticket
- AEM Intake
- weird situation with my traffic ticket
- is the greddy type-s BOV carb legal?
- Got pulled over and cops gave me 3 choices
- Trial By Declaration...?
- Why Virginia sucks donkey C$#k and I bought an S4 instead of another Evo
- Will this pass SMOG?
- Anyone from San Clemente??
- Red light Cameras?
- Handicap parking plackard
- gat a F***EN ticket for speeding!
- Police procedure question
- retarded parking ticket
- i Hate cops
- TBD Response Time?
- TBD by Phone
- How to avoid or find your way out of speeding tickets..
- CHP Information Bulletin No. 98-100 Regarding Modified Exhaust
- how much for a stock cat?
- Ticket last night
- At least our police not driving these!
- Check this video out!!!
- After 9 months, Court dimiss my case and sent me the ticket refund.
- run in with the laws you got into with your evos? post ur stories
- Damn, how did I NOT get pulled over!?
- Altered emissions ticket
- is this illegal
- 21703 - Following to Close
- Web site tips police to street-racing rally
- Actual law for purchasing a car
- today sucks
- ok, i got this ticket
- Anyone else seen...
- Got a ticket a while back
- Quick "boys in blue" story
- 3/13 SMOG CHECK STATION, Hacienda Heights, Colima/Azuza
- does anyone know where i can have some place pass me for a smog test????
- Pulled over for loud exhaust.
- Just got a a Smog Referee ticket for HKS RS intake what i do?
- First red light cameras, now loud car camera!!!!
- Regarding Ref Station comrades, will I make it under 93 decibels?
- 70mph in a 40mph ZONE! HELP
- front plates
- 101 MPH in a 65 Zone
- Legal or not
- I am lucky!!!
- do they plug into obdII for check in socal
- Got a correctable 27151a ticket...swapped exhausts CHP wont sign off..<updated>
- i got a damn ticket today what should i do
- I need smog help, San Diego County
- HW time! Help me with my TBD Guys! EDIT: I WON!!!
- 23302 B Transponder not displayed (Toll Roads)
- if ur a cop go eat cake (happy)
- What happened to...
- Glendale and Burbank Residents, read this!!!
- front license law ??
- 110 in a 65mph HELP
- Any good advice for my trial?
- Cat law
- SR's,RB's,4A-GE's ect
- Question - Any Police Officers On Board thats a Member?
- Do they allow any extentions as to when the payment is due?
- Last night I got f'n worked.
- Damnit....he finally nabbed me.
- 27156 Altered emmisions Fine $361
- please help!!! are the police here to help us or hate us?
- got a ticket ... again
- Aircraft Ticket
- police speed limit trailers
- Local PD + Blaze's evo = my worste nighmare
- 2006 Cal Vehicle Code Downloaded....entire file...?Repost?
- Ticketed for parking on a hill
- What do I have to look forward to in Costa Mesa when I get back..
- got rear ended . the driver's Ins expired. i don't have NM!
- police herasment at its finest
- Positive Encounters
- Any laws governing Cali temporary residents with out of state tag...
- I laughed at a cop and got pulled over
- got a ticket, want some advice.
- I got a ticket for illegal mods
- CHP has greater authority?
- Phew...
- A ticket I never received?
- Official: I got rolled after FF3 Thread
- CHP all over Santiago Canyon in OC
- will i pass?
- to cat-delete or not cat-delete.. that is the ultimate question.
- Some cops are chill...
- Warning Out Of Staters
- DAMN CHP!!!!
- A helpful video
- Right to fight traffic ticket bill
- Ever not consent to an engine bay search??
- someone please help.... referee
- Police Officer's Forum
- wife just got tint fix it ticket
- Trial By Declaration rejected????
- Close encounter... (me not thinking) Lucky me!
- pulled over and now state ref
- CARB/REFS/POLICE....staying safe? how?
- Speeding ticket -"Street racer Package"
- Summertime Rush
- california smog
- chp chat while at a stoplight
- Past ticket date?
- No Front License Plate
- Exhaust limits for motorcycles..
- latest encounter
- just got my first ticket ever!
- Damnit! First ticket and it had to be a fix-it...
- Visual Inspection...Pass Smog with What Mods?
- need help with my ticket!
- 30 day impound
- Traffic Camera "Violation" on Harbor Blvd. off the 22
- got a ticket....
- I hate the CHP.......
- How to Trial By Declaration w/ examples (MODS can we sticky this)
- What attracts the CHP?
- What To Do When you get pulled over (can we sticky this please)
- Yay! My 4th Modified Exhaust ticket!
- Run In With The CHP Today
- Ticket Assassin lack of service?
- fix-it ticket infractons (plural)
- Anyone got tix running either of these exhausts?
- Tint - Fix it tix
- A cop came into my work last night...
- blah got my 2nd exhaust ticket
- HOOD PINS??????
- just got my 3rd exhaust ticket!!!
- Tustin PD on 261
- illegal/legal parts
- SEMA legal action contact information
- speed contesting is now a felony
- EVO 4 & the California Highway Patrol
- LBPD Undercover gives Handicap parking tickets.
- TBD Bail
- Need a TBD template for easy eyeball speeding ticket!!
- Another reason why cops suck!!! Or do they?
- modified exhaust ticket
- NO CAT!!!!
- Profiled, arrested and impounded w/o evidence?
- I got denied on my TBD!
- blow off valves
- can i fight a no left turn ticket?
- TBD court status question
- Mobile smog station Venice/Marina del Rey 10/25/06
- Ticket Ticket Ticket!!!!!!
- Exhaust Legal or Not
- New Ticket Challenge: 27156(b)
- just got my second ticket
- Correctable - modified exhaust ticket
- The official traffic camera thread!
- i got pulled over for six fix-it tickets, but got not one
- I just got my first ticket ever!!!
- Beat my 22349 (b) with a TBD
- a good story and a reason to own a radar detector
- CHP - New Radar Gun
- COPS are out!!
- does it take 4 cops to tell me i have paper plates
- I got a ticket today
- referee stations are issuing certificates of compliance for vehicles (Free)
- state's (CA) smog check and test only stations are following San Diego's trend
- ATTN: AVO exhaust owners, READ/PRINT THIS!
- Cool CHP Officer
- Watch out in Huntington Beach!
- Some Cops are Cool
- Watch out Murrieta Evo Owners:
- Modified Exhaust Question
- Anyone in here actually got in trouble for Testpipe?
- Awesome, just got busted for Modified Exhaust again
- where can I find traffic and engineering survey's?
- Clarifications on modified exhaust tikets.
- Speed Poles > than Speed Bumps Video
- i need some info plz help!!!
- help with violation?
- awesome run in with the police in rowland
- Stock FTW!
- european safety standards???
- Do not speed in the palm Springs area until next month.
- CHP forum
- some new laws for 07
- i got a letter saying i missed my jury duty?!!??!?!
- Silver Evo Owner, watch out
- why is my tbd taking so long?
- License Recognition.
- Some more ranting about cops
- Just cleared my exhaust ticket for life(kinda).....
- Will I pass smog?
- Question in regards to tint over middle brake light
- TBD win, beat the ticket