View Full Version : whole evo 9 ROM code inside

09-28-2010, 06:10 PM
look what I got my hands on... the whole freaking 8859015 ROM program.
here is the first few lines of the 8,103 page document.

Input MD5 : BD0B753AD6D831A2D7134F512153C539

! File Name : /home/esm/roms/stock/88590015.hex
! Format : Binary file
! Base Address: 0000h Range: 0000h - 80000h Loaded length: 80000h

! Processor : SH4B
! Target assembler: GNU Assembler
! Byte sex : Big endian

! ================================================== =========================

! Segment type: Pure code
.section seg000
v_power_on_pc: .long init ! DATA XREF: sub_23A80:off_23B34o
! seg000:off_278D8o ...
v_power_on_sp: .long sp
v_reset_pc: .long init
v_reset_sp: .long sp
v_gen_ill_inst: .long reset
.long reset
v_slot_ill_inst:.long reset

09-28-2010, 06:11 PM
here is some more.

! =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================

sub_1542E: ! CODE XREF: sub_153F0+Ep
sts.l pr, @-r15
mov.l r14, @-r15
mov r15, r14
mov.l r1, @-r15
mov.l r2, @-r15
mov.l r8, @-r15
mov.l @(0x19C,pc), r0 ! [000155D8] = 0xFFFF6C40
mov.w @r0, r0
tst #0x10, r0
bt loc_1545C
mov.l @(0x19C,pc), r10 ! [000155E0] = 0xFFFF6B36
mov.w @r10, r10
mov.l @(0x188,pc), r11 ! [000155D0] = unk_12F2
mov.w @r11, r11
cmp/hi r11, r10
bt loc_15470
mov.l @(0x188,pc), r10 ! [000155D8] = 0xFFFF6C40
mov.w @r10, r0
mov.l @(0x180,pc), r11 ! [000155D4] = (loc_FFEE+1)
and r11, r0
mov.w r0, @r10
bra loc_15470
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_1545C: ! CODE XREF: sub_1542E+12j
mov.l @(0x180,pc), r10 ! [000155E0] = 0xFFFF6B36
mov.w @r10, r10
mov.l @(0x178,pc), r11 ! [000155DC] = unk_12F0
mov.w @r11, r11
cmp/hi r11, r10
bf loc_15470
mov.l @(0x16C,pc), r10 ! [000155D8] = 0xFFFF6C40
mov.w @r10, r0
or #0x10, r0
mov.w r0, @r10

loc_15470: ! CODE XREF: sub_1542E+1Ej
! sub_1542E+2Aj ...
mov.l @(0x174,pc), r4 ! [000155E8] = unk_302A
mov.l @(0x170,pc), r10 ! [

09-29-2010, 03:55 AM
Dear God.... What on earth are you planning to do with that?

09-29-2010, 09:36 AM
I plan to progress to a state of enlightenment

09-29-2010, 11:45 AM

09-29-2010, 11:47 AM
I plan to progress to a state of enlightenment

BWAHAHAHAHA! Line your walls with it all and meditate in the middle with a MOD t-shirt and a pyramid hat on...

Drifting Away
09-29-2010, 11:48 AM
what decompiler did you use to get that?

09-29-2010, 11:56 AM
^aww here we go... I thought I was a nerd... Damn steve...

Drifting Away
09-29-2010, 11:58 AM
Nerdcore Rising baby :)

10-11-2010, 01:27 PM
I want this.

Can you PM me so I can give you email addy?


10-11-2010, 01:32 PM
what decompiler did you use to get that?

most use IDA pro O0