What's up everyone? a fast intro about myself. I have been in the game for a little over 17 years I started off like a lot of others by owning my 1st 1G DSM and after building many DSM's and helping friends and finding friends.
I am here to help with issues ppl are having and even myself if I don't know than others can help me. Buy and sell parts, help my small titanium business grow, go to different events/meets and so much more. I am from SoCal so I may already know a lot of you on here. But anyways Name is Cody and I always find myself going back to the Mitsubishi world and I can never leave. I know there are many DSM/Evo shops around SoCal but another one won't hurt the more the better. When I find my building and we get started we will have a grand opening and more.